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Apixaban - prescribing guidance and counselling


A counselling sheet for apixaban prescribing is available here as a pdf for downloading and printing.

An example discharge letter is also available here.

Lothian adult formulary approved indications for apixaban

Non-valvular atrial fibrillation:

  • Prophylaxis of stroke and systemic embolism when warfarin is not appropriate


Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE):

  • Acute treatment of DVT and PE
  • Prevention of recurrent DVT and PE

In patients undergoing Cardioversion and RF ablation requiring anticoagulant cover where continuing warfarin is not appropriate.


Considerations before commencing apixaban therapy

  • Is the indication for prescribing apixaban approved by NHS Lothian?
  • Does the patient weigh >50kg and <120kg?
  • Does the benefit of anticoagulation outweigh the bleeding risk?
    • This must be discussed with the patient/guardian
  • Does the patient have hepatic disease associated with coagulopathy?
    • Apixaban is contraindicated in such patients - check liver function.
  • Does the patient have impaired renal function?
    • Apixaban may be contraindicated or require dose adjustments in such patients - check renal function.
  • Is the patient prescribed concomitant interacting medicines?
    • Clarithromycin (may increase apixaban levels)
    • Other CYP3A4 inhibitors or inducers (see list on counselling page or BNF)
  • Is the patient prescribed concomitant antiplatelets/anticoagulants/NSAIDs?
    • These usually need to be discontinued
    • Except after acute coronary syndrome (ACS)/percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). This must be discussed with cardiology.

For patients with venous thrombosis Apixaban should be commenced 24 hours after last dose of dalteparin given.


Apixaban dosing guidance (dose differs according to indication)

1. Non-valvular atrial fibrillation

  • 5mg twice daily (if eGFR ≥30ml/min)
  • Reduce to 2.5mg twice daily if 2 or more of:
    • Patient ≥80 years
    • Body weight ≤60kg
    • Creatinine ≥133 micromol/l
  • Reduce to 2.5mg twice daily if eGFR is 15-29 ml/min
  • Apixaban is not recommended if eGFR is <15ml/min or dialysed patients.

Note: only applicable to atrial fibrillation.



Initial dosing

  • 10mg twice daily for 7 days
  • Then 5mg twice daily (maximum 6 months at this dose)

Ongoing therapy after 6 months

  • 2.5mg twice daily
  • Apixaban is not recommended if eGFR is <30ml/min or dialysed patients