Paediatric fasting requirement pre cardiac catheterisation / cardiac surgery


To allow standardised fasting instructions for any cardiac patient requiring a general anaesthetic.


This guideline applies to all pre-operative cardiac patients within the hospital.


This guideline is intended for all healthcare professionals involved in the care of paediatric patients pre cardiac catheterisation/cardiac surgery.


Children with congenital heart disease may be cyanotic, this causes an increase in erythropoietin thereby raising haematocrit, haemogloblin and blood viscosity.

Hyperviscosity is associated with stroke especially in young children in the presence of dehydration and so all children with cyanosis should have fasting kept to a minimum.

Paediatric fasting requirement pre cardiac   catheterisation/surgery flowchart

Enteral fluids - water or diluting juice


Cyanotic patients:   

  • Encourage enteral intake up to 1 hour pre procedure, particularly in the following patients:
    • BT Shunt/PDA Stent
    • Post stage I HLHS
    • Sp02 < 75%
  • If IV fluids are necessary prescribe 100% fluid requirement, to cover fasting period. As per GG&C Guideline.
Audit and Review

This guideline will be reviewed every 2 years with reference to clinical governance including review of associated guidelines, clinical incidents and audit.

Evidence method

This policy was drawn up from best available evidence including consultation with local cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, anaesthetists, nursing staff, local practice and existing guidelines.