Bronchiolitis Pathway for Children Younger than 1 year old with suspected Bronchiolitis - Management - Primary Care and Community Settings


Clinical assessment / management tool and referral advice for children aged younger than 1 year old with suspected bronchiolitis.

Glossary of Terms:

  • ABC - Airways, Breathing, Circulation
  • APLSĀ  - Advanced Paediatric Life Support
  • AVPU - Alert Voice Pain Unresponsive
  • B/P - Blood Pressure
  • CPD - Continuous Professional Development
  • CRT - Capillary Refill Time
  • ED - Hospital Emergency Department
  • GCS - Glasgow Coma Scale
  • HR - Heart Rate
  • MOI - Mechanism of Injury
  • PEWS - Paediatric Early Warning Score
  • RR - Respiratory Rate
  • WBC - White Blood Cell Count


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Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/11/2021

Next review date: 01/11/2022

Author(s): Healthier Together.

Approved By: RHC Medical Paediatrics