
Ulcers always colonised. Antibiotics do not improve healing unless active infection.

If active infection, cleanse wound with tap water or saline to remove surface contaminants. Remove slough and necrotic tissue. Swab viable tissue displaying signs of infection before treatment.

Review antibiotics after culture results.

Active infection if cellulitis/increased pain/pyrexia/purulent exudate/odour.

Drug details

If active infection

Flucloxacillin 500mg four times daily

For 7 days. If slow response continue for a further 7 days.

OR doxycycline 100mg twice daily

For 7 days. If slow response continue for a further 7 days.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 23/05/2019

Next review date: 23/05/2022

Author(s): Antimicrobial Management Team.

Approved By: TAM Subgroup of ADTC

Reviewer name(s): Alison Macdonald, Area Antimicrobial Pharmacist.

Document Id: AMT169