Preventative Measures

Allergen avoidance is paramount in preventing allergic reactions.

Teachers need to be aware that many classroom activities such as science projects or cooking classes can contain common allergens so planning is key when there are pupils with allergies in the class.

The Go to website European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology recommends the following measures to reduce the exposure to allergens in the classroom:

Cleaning Surfaces

Allergens can be removed from surfaces using common household cleaners. Tables should be wiped down after handling food allergens in the class. Pupils should be encouraged to make this a routine.


Normal hand soap is effective at removing allergens. Before and after projects/ activities/ meals, pupils should be encouraged to wash their hands to reduce cross contamination and spread of allergens.

Allergen free areas

This may be useful for activities in the classroom. These areas should be for everyone, not just the pupil(s) with allergies to encourage inclusion.

Read the ingredient lists

Food labels and ingredient lists should be checked regularly before using in activities or for parties. Common products can have unexpected ingredients e.g. pea or chickpea flour is often added to processed meats.

Avoid food incentives where possible

Alternative prizes include stickers, extra play time (primary schools), film time (secondary schools). When food is being used in the class, teachers should ensure pupils with allergies are included by using foods that everyone can eat or that a similar alternative is available.

Allergy education for pupils

Teaching other pupils about allergies is a great way to encourage empathy, inclusion and responsible behaviour.

Pupil-led awareness sessions during assemblies or personal and social education classes are great initiatives for raising allergy awareness. More information can be found in lesson plan ideas.

Useful information - take note
Pupil led awareness sessions in assemblies or Personal & Social education class are a great initiative.

Older pupils raising allergy awareness can improve the self-esteem of younger pupils with allergies.

Primary schools lesson plan ideas:

Go to website Anaphylaxis UK KS1-2 Resource Pack For P1-7

Go to website Allergy Meal Match | Food Standards Scotland for P3–P5, P5–P7

Go to website Hand washing lesson from Food Standards Scotland | Food Standards Scotland for Nursery P1–P3

Secondary school lesson plan ideas:

Go to website Anaphylaxis UK KS3-5 Resources Pack For S1-4

Go to website Food Standards Scotland Allergy Action! For S1-S3 pupils

FSS education resources: Go to website Food safety & healthy eating education | Food Standards Scotland