Compassion is the human quality of understanding suffering and wanting to do something about it. It means being motivated to act, not just feeling sorry for someone.

Daily Care

Connect: Try to connect with the person by using empathy and sensitive listening to show you understand their experiences and emotions.

Presence and warmth: This involves acting in a positive, warm-hearted and friendly way. Use touch appropriately – for example, holding the person’s hands and asking how they are feeling.

Respect: Show that you appreciate the person as a thinking and feeling individual, not just as a social care case.

Care: Be sensitive and respond to the needs of the moment. Give comfort, reassurance and encouragement when things are difficult – verbally or by appropriate use of touch, for example, an arm round someone’s shoulders when they are suffering.

Copyright information

Some elements of this section are summarised and adapted from Macmillan Foundations in Palliative Care (FIPC) materials 2020, published by Macmillan Cancer Support, 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7UQ, United Kingdom. © Copyright Macmillan Cancer Support 2020, produced by the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI). Macmillan Cancer Support accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the content, which is based on UK practice and guidelines at the date of UK publication; nor for the context in which the content is published; nor for any adaptations made for local use. The content as published in this app/website is solely the responsibility of the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre, Inovo Building, 121 George St, Glasgow G1 1RD.