
Indications for PN

  • Infants <1000g or <28 weeks should start PN as soon as possible after birth. An emergency bag should be considered to avoid any delays in starting nutrition.
  • Infants <1250g on feeding regimen B or C should have PN ordered via pharmacy at the next available opportunity.
  • PN is not routine for infants >1250g but can be started at consultant discretion.
  • All infants who are unlikely to establish sufficient EN quickly e.g., babies with a congenital gut disorder or with critical illness such as sepsis (NICE 2020) at consultant discretion


Relative contraindications to PN

  • Infants who are seriously ill, especially if acidotic or hypotensive, or have thrombocytopenia or coagulopathy
  • Infants who are ill with septicaemia or NEC until they clinically improve and/or triglyceride levels are available


How to start:

  • Prescribe SMOF lipid solution and the relevant aqueous PN solution equivalent to infant’s daily fluid requirement minus other essential fluid infusions.
  • Both aqueous and lipid are included in prescribed fluid volume
  • If starting PN in the first 4 days after birth, full requirements should be gradually increased e.g., over 4 days (NICE 2020)
  • If starting PN more than 4 days after birth, there is no need to gradually increase over a few days (NICE 2020) and full requirements can be quickly met
  • Additional fluid may be needed to meet desired overall fluid volume.


Table 1.0: Current Simpsons policy for overall fluid recommendations during the first few days after birth for reference:


>/=750 g birthweight to 1500g

> 1500 g birthweight

Day 1

75 mls/kg/day

60 mls/kg/day

Day 2

100 mls/kg/day

80 mls/kg/day

Day 3

125 mls/kg/day

100 mls/kg/day

Day 4 – 7

Increase up to 150mls/kg/day

120 mls/kg/day

If < 750g start with 100 mls/kg/day and review fluids after 4 hours (see below). May need to increase above 150 mls/kg/day if insensible losses are high

The following describes the key information required for each of the 3 aqueous bags used.  Examples of PN prescriptions using the volumes and nutritional content above can be seen in Appendix 4 and Appendix 5. 


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/10/2022

Next review date: 01/10/2032

Author(s): Hester Blair, Caroline O'Hare, Angela Davidson, David Quine, Claire Abbott-Smith.