
Pharmacy staffing

  • A pharmacist (bleep 2256) will review infants requiring PN each morning on the unit on weekdays (excluding public holidays).
  • There is no pharmacist cover on the unit at the weekend, but the aseptic pharmacist can be contacted on ext. 22906 up until 12noon on Saturday and Sunday.
  • If there are any concerns, or special requirements regarding PN, contact the pharmacist as early in the day as possible to discuss.


Dietetic staffing

  • The dietitian will review infants on PN in the Nutrition Ward Round on a weekly basis
  • Infants on long term PN and unstable infants will be reviewed more frequently in liaison with the pharmacy, medical and nursing teams.
  • The dietitian is available Mon – Fri within office hours.


Ordering PN

  • PN can be ordered from pharmacy aseptic unit before 11am on weekdays.
  • For routine PN, the night medical team prescribe the PN for the following day. This should be scanned down to pharmacy as soon as it is done, at the latest by 11am.
  • In babies in whom the prescription depends upon that day’s biochemistry results, scan the order request with the others with a note “pending electrolyte results”, and remember to scan a definitive prescription as soon as you know what is needed.
  • For weekends, the prescriptions for Friday, Saturday and Sunday needs to be done on Thursday Remember to decide ahead of time whether you need 24 or 48hr bags.
  • Changes can be made to the weekend prescriptions if clinically needed – if this is the case, the pharmacy aseptic department should be contacted as early in the day as possible (ext. 22906), ideally before 10am.
  • At the weekend new start PN orders should ideally be scanned down to pharmacy aseptic before 10am and a phone call (ext. 22906) should be made to ensure they are aware.
  • The SMOF lipid solution syringe/bag must be changed every 24 hours
  • The aqueous PN solution may be infused for up to 48 hours. Usually, sufficient aqueous solution should be ordered to last 48 hours (a 48hr bag)
  • If rapid changes in electrolyte requirements are predicted, a 24-hour bag may be ordered.



Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/10/2022

Next review date: 01/10/2032

Author(s): Hester Blair, Caroline O'Hare, Angela Davidson, David Quine, Clare Abbott-Smith.