
Blood gas

  • Check electrolytes daily


Serum U and Es:

  • Check every 3 days in the first week and then weekly as required
  • Check 24 hours after making changes to additives


Neonatal Screen (NNS)

  • Check weekly



  • Check after 72 hours of starting lipids and then again 48 hours after starting 3.5g fat/kg/day (0.83ml/kg/hour SMOF lipid solution) for preterm infants or 3g fat/kg/day (0.75ml/kg/hour SMOF lipid solution) which is maximum for term infants.
  • Once stable triglycerides should be checked weekly.
  • If > 3mmol/l then discuss reducing this with pharmacist/consultant.
  • Measure when a baby becomes seriously ill (particularly if there is significant metabolic acidosis, hypotension, thrombocytopenia, or coagulopathy)
  • When sending biochemistry samples, always record in the clinical information section that the baby is on PN. The lab will then automatically check for visible lipaemia.


Further investigations:

Further blood testing may be required which should be discussed with a senior clinician if clinically indicated.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/10/2022

Next review date: 01/10/2032

Author(s): Hester Blair, Caroline O'Hare, Angela Davidson, David Quine, Clare Abbott-Smith.