
  • Intracranial (CT or MRI documented)
  • Retroperitoneal (CT or MRI documented)
  • Intra-ocular (excludes conjunctival)
  • Spontaneous muscle haematoma associated with compartment syndrome
  • Pericardial
  • Non-traumatic intra-articular
  • Any invasive procedure to stop bleeding
  • Active bleeding from any orifice plus BP≤90mmHg systolic, or oliguria or ≥20g/l fall in haemoglobin



  • Any other bleeding that would not influence your decision to anticoagulate a patient.



  • Death due to haemorrhage
  • (Demonstrated at autopsy, radiologically or clinically obvious)


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/01/2020

Approved By: Drugs and Therapeutics Committee