Police referrals for emergency mental health assessment

  • When someone comes to the attention of Police Scotland or the British Transport Police (within the Forth Valley area) and there is a suspicion that the person is suffering from a mental disorder, Police Officers will contact the Single Point of Referral directly on (01324 567250).
  • Once through to a clinician, brief details of the patient’s presentation will be given and whether the patient is under arrest.
  • Determining how to manage someone presenting with mental ill health having committed an offence, may be assisted by the Police management of alleged offenders presenting with mental ill health pathway.

Police management of alleged offenders presenting with mental ill health pathway.

Telephone consultation between police and clinician

Patient safety is paramount and the clinician receiving the call should check the following with the Police officer:

  • Has the patient reported, or suspected of having taken, an overdose or self-poisoned?
  • Does the patient have an injury that requires urgent medical attention?
  • Is the patient in a state of intoxication that would make interviewing them impossible?
  • If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, the patient must proceed to the ED.
  • Mental Health assessment will take place when the patient is physically well enough.
  • Intoxicated patients may also have underlying health conditions which need urgent treatment.

The clinician should ask to speak with the patient on the telephone, providing none of the above risks are reported by the police officer.

During the telephone call:

  • It is essential that the clinician revisits the risks above,  as the patient may conceal injury or self-poisoning from Police.
  • The clinician should access the patient records on Care Partner.
  • The clinician should assess:
    • Does the patient need an emergency mental health assessment?
    • Is the patient safe to continue with the police?
    • Does the patient need follow up by community services?

Actions following the telephone consultation

  • Notes of the telephone call should be recorded on Care Partner and activity logged through TrakCare.
  • Patients requiring emergency mental health assessment will be escorted the to the Mental Health Unit.
  • Police will wait with the patient until the consultation is completed.
  • The clinician agreeing to the assessment will arrange with the Police officer the best place to report to (normally this will be the Mental Health Reception) and where to wait.
  • When Police arrive they must be given a PIT Alarm before being shown to an appropriate place to await assessment.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 28/05/2021

Author(s): Julia Ferrari, Joe McGhee, Duncan Westall, William McFadden, Heather Tainsh , Susan Sutherland, Marie White , Anne Cook, Justin McNicholl, Douglas Armstrong, Dr Nabila Muzaffar, Dr Stuart Affleck, Dr David Cumming, Andrew Angus, Jackie Maher, Rose Mills, Vincent Hughes..