Ambulance transfer of women in maternity


Transferring antenatal mothers should be arranged through SCOTSTAR on 03333 990210


Note: There are separate guidelines for SAS patient transport services for elective admissions or appointments - contact Transport Hub 27748. 

Alternatively, in limited circumstances, a taxi can be arranged through the hospital bleep holder on bleep 1412.


Guidelines for SAS emergency ambulance service

The level of urgency is determined by the referring clinician

  • emergency ambulance: 03333 990111
  • for an urgent ambulance (1hr, 2 hr, 4 hr) telephone 03456 023999


Reasons for requiring ambulance services:

1. Home to hospital transport

When a mother requires non-elective admission and it has been established that she has no suitable means of personal or public transport, the labour ward midwife to whom the referral was made will arrange ambulance transport.  Circumstances may include:

  • labour
  • ruptured membranes
  • reduced or lack of fetal movement

The level of urgency will be determined by the midwife.


2. Emergency transfer from home to hospital

When a mother requires emergency (immediate) transfer from home to hospital this may be arranged in the following ways:

  • the mother or her partner calls the ambulance service direct
  • the community midwife in attendance calls the ambulance direct and escorts the mother in
  • the labour ward midwife calls the ambulance service

If the mother has no professional in attendance and support and guidance is required by the ambulance crew they should contact labour ward on 01896 826897 and ask to speak to the senior midwife in charge.


3. Inter-hospital transfer

When a mother requires to be transferred to another hospital, the consultant in charge will determine the level of urgency and the need for an escort. Circumstances may include:

  • in-utero transfer – for tertiary antenatal care or where there is a risk of premature labour or delivery (see SCOTSTAR above)
  • postnatal transfers – for tertiary postnatal care
  • postnatal transfer - to a unit where the mother can be reunited with her baby who has been transferred for intensive care


4. Mothers at home in threatened pre-term labour less than 32 weeks

In general these should be dealt with at the BGH and, in the majority of cases, assessment at the hospital will be required. If the mother is felt to be in rapid labour however, and delivery is felt to be highly likely based on the phone call, diversion of the ambulance to the New Royal Infirmary may be appropriate.


  • phone ambulance (03333 990111) to explain situation and to plan to bring the mother to the BGH
  • liaise with senior obstetrician in BGH (registrar or consultant) who should phone Edinburgh and ideally speak to:
    • 8.30am-9.30pm – the on call consultant (0131 5361000  bleep 1617)
    • 9.30pm-8.30am, to the LW band 7 coordinator or ST6/7 (1616)

If Edinburgh are in a position to accept, then phone ambulance control again on 03333 990111 to divert there.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 16/03/2022

Next review date: 31/03/2025

Author(s): Brian Magowan.

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