

The neonatal unit is open to parents at all times.

  • One or both parents can be present any time of the day.
  • After midday, one visitor per day may also visit, provided one parent is also present.
  • No other visitors at peak times such as ward rounds (9am-12pm) and nursing handover (730am-8am, 730-8pm).
  • One sibling can visit each day after 12 midday.
  • 2 Adults and 1 Sibling should be the maximum at each cot side at a time.
  • Adults must a face covering and siblings over 5y are requested to wear one too.
  • Parents and visitors should carry out a twice weekly lateral flow test for Covid -19. These can be ordered by calling 119.
If anyone has symptoms of Covid-19, colds or other infectious disease they should not come to the neonatal unit.

Access to the Unit

The neonatal unit is accessed via a secure buzzer entry system. There is one main entry point on level 1 of the maternity building.

Please ensure that the door closes fully behind you and do not let anyone else enter at the same time.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 30/05/2022

Next review date: 14/06/2023