NHSGGC research groups


Alcohol and Drug Recovery Services (ADRS) Clinical Effectiveness & Research Group

The ADRS Clinical Effectiveness & Research Group provides a multi-disciplinary health board wide forum which enables opportunities to share and promote evidenced based practice informed through research, national & local policy, approved clinical guidance & guidelines, all of which underpins safe and effective treatment to enhance the person centred care experience of service users. A key function of the group will be to maintain a register of ADRS Standard Operating Procedures and facilitate regular review of their effectiveness through standardised audit.

The group will support the creation of improvement opportunities and provide support, guidance and advice to project leads, with assistance from GG&C Clinical Effectiveness unit, in relation to proposals for suitability/applicability and ensure the development of effective clinical practice in ADRS is consistent with local, strategic and national priorities.

In addition, the group will support the identification of research opportunities and provide support, guidance and advice to ADRS staff, with assistance from GG&C Research & Development team, in relation to proposals or requests for ADRS service involvement with internal or external research and ensure these are consistent with local, strategic and national priorities.


Chair Tracy.Stafford@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

Drugs Death Prevention Research Associate Tony.Martin@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

CAMHS Research Group

Detail to be provided by group.

Clinical Psychology Research Group

Forensic Research Group

The Forensic Audit Committee is a multi-disciplinary group in the Forensic Directorate of Mental Health & Intellectual Disability.  The group meets monthly and reviews research proposals prior to them gaining managerial approval.  We also link in with the (National) Forensic Network Research Special Interest Group which meets 3 monthly.  We hold twice yearly research and audit mornings for staff in the directorate to present their work.    

Researchers are welcome to contact the Chair of the committee with any questions, and they are welcome to attend the audit meeting to both ask and answer questions, often receiving useful advice on study design and protocol.  Heather Tolland Research Assistant is available to provide support to researchers e.g. statistical analysis of data, use of survey software etc. Heather also updates our research and audit register. 

Chair contact details - to be provided

Heather Tolland - Heather.Tolland@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

Mental Health Nursing Research Group

The NHSGGC Mental Health Clinical Area Research Group is a great place for nurses to get support for special interest,  MSc and Doctoral research projects.  A group of research interested clinicians and academic colleagues are all ready to support staff to undertake research and develop the evidence base and raise evidence base awareness in mental health nursing.  Any interested staff should contact eileen.salmon@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 28/03/2024

Next review date: 31/03/2025

Author(s): Mental Health Research Manager.

Version: 1.0

Author email(s): mypsych@ggc.scot.nhs.uk .

Approved By: Deputy Medical Director, Mental Health and Addictions

Reviewer name(s): Mental Health Research Manager.