The sheer volume of accessible and great resources available to support mindfulness can sometimes feel overwhelming. We are trying to keep this app simple to use and for that reason are limiting how many resources we place on it. This is not an exhaustive list. We have collated some links below to sites we have found useful and interesting to explore - we hope you do too.


The Scottish NHS Mindfulness Network supports and co-ordinates the delivery of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for patients and staff. It is particularly focused on people suffering recurrent depression but also offers courses for people with chronic pain, anxiety and other conditions. It is linked in to NHS Education for Scotland, who have funded it for the past few years, enabling us to have a national strategy of MBCT delivery in the Scottish NHS.

General Resources

Palouse Mindfulness - offers a free, online 8-week MBSR course, using a mixture of video, audio and written content

Monash  University run two online courses for free, and materials are available long term for a paid upgrade.  See Monash/FutureLearn Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance and Maintaining a Mindful Life.


Please also check the 'what's new' section of this app for a range of resources. We have been updating this on a weekly basis with a range of free resources we hope you will find helpful.

The Mindfulness Summit

Learn mindfulness from a range of well-known teachers, including Jon Kabat-Zinn.

The site requires you to register and you can listen to the talks at the time of broadcast and for a short time after, often 24 hours, for free.  To listen to talks from other days, including speakers such as Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ruby Wax, Mark Williams and Joseph Goldstein, you have to ‘donate’ $149 (for a life access pass) to a mindfulness charity using a link on the site.

Dharma Seed

Free Dharma talks that can be listened to online or downloaded.

This website provides free access to talks from a great range of speakers. A large number of talks do come from a spiritual background and you will need to make a decision about whether this is something that is appropriate for you . However, if you search for certain speakers and retreats you will find talks specifically offered to teachers of mindfulness based approaches such as MBCT and MBSR. For example, Christina Feldman, John Peacock and Chris Cullen  Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation - MBCT/SR Foundations

The new psychology of depression by Mark Williams

Free podcast.