Mindfulness Daily

A daily 10 minute resource supporting mindfulness practice developed by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield.

A practical, easily accessible resource to get started with a meditation practice, or support an ongoing practice habit.

We enjoyed participating in this course and would also recommend it if you are curious about how mindfulness can be developed in sequential 10 minute sessions.

‘This 40-day online program (also available as an APP) offers a short daily session in mindfulness and compassion that includes both a guided meditation and a teaching on a key point of practice.

In each lesson, there is guidance on integrating mindfulness into all facets of your day. You’ll move through a progression of topics – including opening to the body and breath, working with physical pain and emotional challenges, and bringing mindfulness into relationships. Each time you sit to meditate you give yourself the gift of awareness and presence. And by the end of 40 days, you will have the grounds for a practice that can bring increasing clarity and wisdom, resilience and love to your life’.

You can repeat each practice session as many times as you like, and move through the course at your own pace. For example, staying with the same 10 minute session for a period of time If that feels more appropriate for you.

The course is developed and taught by Dr Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield who are internationally well recognised, experienced mindfulness teachers and clinical psychologists. It is a testament to the skill and expertise of these teachers that they have been able to distil little nuggets of their experience and guidance in to 10 minute sessions so well. 


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction ( MBSR)

Palouse Mindfulness - offers a free, online 8-week MBSR course, using a mixture of video, audio and written content.


Developing Mindfulness

Monash  University run two online courses for free, and materials are available long term for a paid upgrade.  See Monash/FutureLearn Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance and Maintaining a Mindful Life.


Mindfulness Daily at Work

Rather than seeing mindfulness as something separate to your work here is a free 40 day course exploring mindfulness daily at work.

Mindfulness Daily @ Work (Ongoing-Register any time)

'Mindfulness Daily @ Work is a 40-day online guided training led by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. This in-depth training teaches key mindfulness practices specifically targeted for the workplace and takes only 10-15 minutes a day.'

Tiny Habits, B.J Fogg

A link that takes you to the website of B.J. Fogg. B.J Fogg is the behaviour scientist who developed The Tiny Habits model.

The website contains free resources and information about the model.

A link to a 5 day free tiny habit programme. : Let Tiny Habits change your life


(Updated 13/10/22)