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  5. Common obstetric problems, intrapartum labour ward
  6. Breech Delivery Management of Complications (379)
Announcements and latest updates

Right Decision Service newsletter: April 2024

Welcome to the Right Decision Service (RDS) newsletter for April 2024. 

Issues with RDS and Umbraco access

Tactuum has been working hard to address the issues experienced during the last week. They have identified a series of three mitigation measures and put the first of these in place on Friday 3rd May.  If this does not resolve the problems, the second mitigation will be actioned, and then the third if necessary.

Please keep a lookout for any slowing down of the system or getting locked out. Please email myself, and if you experience any problems, and also please raise an urgent support ticket via the Support Portal.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we achieve a full resolution.

Promotion and communication resources

A rotating carousel presenting some of the key RDS tools and capabilities, and an editable slideset, are now available in the Resources for RDS providers section of the Learning and Support toolkit.

Redesign and improvements to RDS

The redesign of RDS Search and Browse is still on-track for delivery by mid-June 2024. We then plan to have a 3-week user acceptance testing phase before release to live. All editors and toolkit owners on this mailing list will be invited to participate in the UAT.

The archiving and version control functionality is also progressing well and we will advise on timescales for user acceptance testing shortly.

Tactuum is also progressing with the deep linking to individual toolkits within the mobile RDS app. There are several unknowns around the time and effort required for this work, which will only become clear as the work progresses. So we need to be careful to protect budget for this purpose.

New feature requests

These have all been compiled and effort estimated. Once the redesign work is complete, these will be prioritised in line with the remaining budget. We expect this to take place around late June.


Many thanks to those of you completed the value and impact survey we distributed in February. Here are some key findings from the 65 responses we received.

Figure 1: Impact of RDS on direct delivery of care

Key figures

  • 93% say that RDS has improved evidence-informed practice (high impact 62%; some impact 31%)
  • 91% report that RDS has improved consistency in practice (high impact 65%, some impact 26%)
  • 85% say that RDS has improved patient safety (high impact 59%, some impact 26%)
  • Although shared decision-making tools are only a recent addition to RDS, and only represent a small proportion of the current toolset, 85% of respondents still said that RDS had delivered impact in this area (53% high impact, 32% some impact.) 92% anticipate that RDS will deliver impact on shared decision-making in future and 85% believe it will improve delivery of personalised care in future.

Figure 2 shows RDS impact to date on delivery of health and care services


Key figures

These data show how RDS is already contributing to NHS reform priorities and supporting delivery of more sustainable care.

Saving time and money

  • RDS clearly has a strong impact on saving practitioner time, with 90% of respondents reporting that this is the case. 65% say it has a high impact; 25% say it has some impact on time-saving.
  • It supports devolved decision-making across the multi-professional team (85% of respondents)
  • 76% of respondents confirm that it saves money compared, for example, to investing in commercial apps (54% high impact; 22% some impact.)
  • 72% believe it has impacted already on saving money and reducing waste in the way services are delivered – e.g. reducing costs of referral management, prescribing, admissions.

Quality assurance and governance

  • RDS leads are clear that RDS has improved local governance of guidelines, with 87% confirming that this is the case. (62% high impact; 25% some impact.)

Service innovation and workforce development

  • RDS is a major driver for service innovation and improvement (83% of respondents) and has impacted significantly on workforce knowledge and skills (92% of respondents – 66% high impact; 26% some impact).

New toolkits

A few examples of toolkits published to live in the last month:

Toolkits in development

Some of the toolkits the RDS team is currently working on:

  • SARCS (Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service)
  • Staffing method framework – Care Inspectorate.
  • SIGN 171 - Diabetes in pregnancy
  • SIGN 158 – British Guideline on Management of Asthma. Selected sections will be incorporated into the RDS, and complemented by a new chronic asthma pathway being developed by SIGN, British Thoracic Society and NICE.
  • Clinical pathways from NHS Fife and NHS Lanarkshire

Please contact if you would like to learn more about a toolkit. The RDS team will put you in touch with the relevant toolkit lead.

Quality audit of RDS toolkits

Thanks to all of you who have responded to the retrospective quality audit survey and to the follow up questions.  We still have some following up to do, and to work with owners of a further 23 toolkits to complete responses. An interim report is being presented to the HIS Quality and Performance Committee.

Implementation projects

Eight clinical services and two public library services are undertaking tests of change to implement the Being a partner in my care app. This app aims to support patients and the public to become active participants in Realistic Medicine. It has a strong focus on personalised, person-centred care and a library of shared decision aids, as well as simple explanations and videoclips to help the public to understand the aims of Realistic Medicine.  The tests of change will inform guidance and an implementation model around wider adoption and spread of the app.

With kind regards

Right Decision Service team

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Breech Delivery Management of Complications (379)

Please report any inaccuracies or issues with this guideline using our online form

Applicable unit policies:

Breech extraction is a “dire emergency” procedure carried out when there is severe fetal distress and/or problems with the delivery of a second twin in a transverse or oblique lie after internal podalic version. The technique of internal podalic version is described first.

Panic will not help!

Call for help so that it is on the way.

Internal podalic version

This may be necessary to deliver:

  • a second twin at CS or at a vaginal birth • if there is an immediate need to deliver baby.
  • Tranverse lie caesarean section.

Documentation will inevitably be retrospective and must be clear.

The operator’s hand and forearm may need to be in uterus / lower genital tract.


A fetal foot is identified by recognizing a heel through intact membranes. The foot is grasped and pulled gently and continuously lower into the birth canal (or through uterotomy at CS). The membranes are ruptured as late as possible. The baby is then delivered as an assisted breech or breech extraction with pelvi-femoral traction, Lovset’s manoeuvre to the shoulders if required and a controlled delivery of the head. This procedure is easiest when the transverse lie is with the back superior or posterior. If the back is inferior or if the limbs are not immediately palpable, do not panic, follow the curve of the back and down and round to find the leg. Confirm you have a foot before applying traction. This will minimise the risk of the unwelcome experience of bringing down a fetal hand and arm in the mistaken belief that it is a foot.

If ultrasound is immediately available to an experienced sonographer this may help identify where the limbs are.

A few seconds of calm consideration and accurate assessment will almost certainly result in an effective delivery manoeuvre.

Emergency Breech Extraction

  • Both of your hands are required: one inside, one outside.
  • A hand must be placed into the uterus and if possible BOTH feet grasped but one will do.
  • ENSURE it is a foot that is grasped.
  • If you grasp a hand, replace and locate a foot / feet.
  • Pull down the legs and press the head upwards using the external hand on the woman’s abdomen.
  • Traction must be steady and maintained on the delivered leg(s) until the breech is fixed.
  • Thereafter action takes the place of contractions and the Breech can then be delivered as per the diagrams and instructions for vaginal breech (see vaginal breech guideline).
  • Obtain paired cord pH.
  • Remember to document carefully.


Vaginal Breech Delivery - Head Entrapment

Fetal head entrapment during vaginal breech delivery is an obstetric emergency.

It is typically associated with preterm vaginal breech delivery when the fetal buttocks and trunk pass through an incompletely dilated cervix. The uterus subsequently contracts and clamps tightly around the fetal head.

N.B Entrapment can also occur at Caesarean section and although the reasons may be different the obstetrician needs to have a strategy (see Delivery of Breech at LUSCS)

Management of Entrapment at Vaginal Delivery

  • Inform anaesthetist, paediatric staff, senior midwife
  • Re-try Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit(MSV) manœuvre
  • Rotate baby to sacrum transverse
  • McRobert’s manoeuvre
  • Suprapubic pressure
  • Start tocolysis with GTN

1. Emergency cervico-uterine relaxation

Maternal IV cannula requires to be sited prior to administration of GTN (the drug may cause profound drop in BP)

Sublingual GTN via metered pump:

Nitrolingual pump spray should be primed before using it by pressing the nozzle once.

1 – 2 sprays (400-800 micrograms) administered as spray droplets beneath the tongue (do not inhale). Ask woman to close her mouth after spray is administered.

Repeat after 5 minutes if hypertonus is sustained.

Haemodynamic monitoring, a rapidly running I.V. infusion and immediately available ephedrine and phenylephidrine are mandatory prior to the use of Nitroglycerin (Glyceryl Trinitrate)


  • Nitrates may increase intraocular pressure and so should be used with caution to glaucoma.


  • Uncorrected hypovolaemia
  • Severe anaemia (Hb<60 g/L)
  • Increased intracranial pressure
  • Constrictive pericarditis /pericardial tamponade
  • Hypersensitivity to GTN. Nitrates, coconut oil, ethanol, glycerol, monocarprylocaproate, peppermint oil

General Anaesthesia with a high end tidal concentration of volatile agent will often produce useful relaxation of the cervix

Once the third stage is complete, a Syntocinon infusion should be commenced.

2. Emergency surgical option: Cervical Incisions

Incise cervix - Duhrssen’s incisions @ 2,10 and 6 o’clock (see below)

Pictorial diagram of Duhrssen's incision at 2,10 and 6 o’clock*

*Incisions at 2 + 10 o’clock are usually sufficient. (PROMPT 2nd edition) Take great care to only cut the cervix

3. Emergency Surgical Option: Symphysiotomy Technique

  1. Lithotomy position for patient
  2. Analgesia
  3. Catheterise bladder (indwelling)
  4. Incise skin above the symphysis with a solid scalpel. The top of the symphysis is probed with the tip of the scalpel to identify the non-bony joint.
  5. The urethra is kept displaced from the midline by a finger in the vagina pushing the catheterised urethra laterally.
  6. The scalpel, held at an angle 30 degrees from the horizontal, is advanced vertically towards the vagina until the sharp tip is sensed by the intravaginal finger. Divide the joint by a sawing action.
  7. When the separation of the joint is felt remove the catheter, apply forceps and deliver the fetal head.
  8. An episiotomy and traction towards the sacral aspect of the pelvis relieves pressure on the unsupported urethra.
  9. After a symphysiotomy it is essential to refer to physiotherapy and orthopaedics for follow up as there can be significant morbidity.

4. Caesarean section after replacement similar to Zavanelli for Shoulder Dystocia (see shoulder dystocia guideline)

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 27/04/2015

Next review date: 01/04/2021

Author(s): Julie Murphy.

Version: 3

Approved By: Obstetrics Clinical Governance Group

Document Id: 379


Images from:

Seeds JW. Malpresentations. In: Gabbe SG, Niebyl JR, Simpson JL, editors. Obstetrics: normal and problem pregnancies. 2nd ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1991:5 3 9-72. Baskett TF. Essential management of obstetric emergencies. 2nd ed. Bristol: Clinical Press, 1991:126-3 5.