Planning and delivery

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In this video, Juliet describes for Stephen a range of key activities that help her to prepare for a words for wellbeing session. (Duration 2min 57s)

1. Planning decisions

One session or multiple sessions?

You may want to consider whether to offer a single session or to invite people to sign up to a programme of sessions. A programme of multiple sessions gives people more opportunity to work through issues, gain insights and see ways to change their lives. But if you are new to words for wellbeing it may be a good idea to start with one-off sessions while you build your confidence.

One to one or group session?

One to one and group sessions each have benefits for different people and different circumstances – lead into quiz overleaf.

2. Group Sessions

3. One to one sessions

4. Groundwork

In advance of the session, you should have made contact with your participants and identified the reading resources with them, as outlined in Topic 2.

Make sure that all participants have advance information about:

  • Timing of the session. A session typically lasts one hour, though you can vary this according to participants’ needs.
  • Location (or virtual meeting link). Provide directions or instructions on how to test the virtual link in advance.
  • The session outline, including timing for breaks.
  • Your contact details in case of any problems.

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