Health literacy tools

Tap each title to expand. Work through each section in numerical order

1. Use health literacy tools to support remote communication


Image 1 of 1 speech bubble containing the following text “Half of what a person is told is forgotten 1 and half of what they remember is misunderstood” 2

Break down information into small chunks and check for understanding after each section or chunk. Ask the person to “teachback” to you, what you have discussed, but do this in a way that they do not feel you are testing them or putting them under pressure.  

For example, “So I know I have explained everything, can you tell me what information I have given you today?” It is good practice to post out or email the information that has been discussed remotely.  

This allows the person time to read over anything they may have missed.  It also allows carers or other family members to read the information also.

2. Use health literacy tools to support accessing video calls

Image 1 of 3 Open book with ABC speech bubble. Point 1 of 3 Use simple language in  instructions for joining call. Avoid phrases such as “copy and paste” link.  If you have to use a technical term, provide a clear explanation.​ Image 2 of 3 Person on screen in a video call. Point 2 of 3 Offer to talk a person through how to use a video call if they are anxious.  Phone them in advance of an appointment.  Check for understanding after each step.​ Image 3 of 3 Person with a speech bubble. Point 3 of 3 Use pictures or have clear “jargon free” support in place to help with any technical issues

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