Staying healthy



Tips on staying healthy are available on the KIDS website.

Glasgow City Youth Health Service is a health and well being service for young people. See below for more information and how to contact them.

Glasgow City Youth Health Service

Glasgow City Youth Health Service is a confidential health and wellbeing service available to young people aged 12-19 years. The service operates in evenings at locations throughout Glasgow City and is open to any young person with a Glasgow postcode or registered with a Glasgow GP practice.

When young people visit the Youth Health Service they can:

  • See the Nurse or Doctor
  • Get support with their mental health and speak to the Counsellor
  • Join a programme to get help with risky behaviours. E.g. drugs, alcohol, antisocial behaviour
  • Access sexual health support
  • Join a healthy weight programme (Weigh to Go for 12-18 years)
  • Access support with other issues, e.g. employment, money worries

Referrals are welcomed from any source. To find out more or to make an appointment, please call the team on 0141 451 2727.

Weigh to Go

NHSGGC Weigh to Go is a weight management service for young people aged 12-18 which is available throughout Greater Glasgow and Clyde. A free Slimming World membership, tailored weight loss plan and regular support from a Weigh to Go nurse is available for up 24 weeks. The young person would also be supported to engage in physical activity.

To access Weigh to Go, a young person should be 12-18 years old and have a BMI of 25 or higher.

Referrals can be made on our website:

Or by phone:

0141 451 2727.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 17/01/2022

Next review date: 28/01/2024