Coronavirus advice (Babies aged under 3 months)


Although COVID-19 restrictions have lifted COVID infections are still happening. It can be confusing to know what to do when your baby is unwell.

Use the table below to help you know when and where to get help. Speak to your GP, health visitor  or NHS 111 if you are concerned about your baby.




If your baby has any of the following:

  • Pale, mottled (blotchy) skin which feels cold to touch
  • Has a fit or seizure
  • Is difficult to wake
  • Has a rash that does not go away when you press on it (see the Glass Test)
  • Has a hot chest, face or back and is sweaty or clammy
    (a temperature of 38°C / 100.4°F or higher)
    unless this is within two days of vaccinations and
    there are no other signs from this box or the AMBER box below
  • Is too breathless to feed, has pauses in their breathing lasting more than 10 seconds and is grunting or going blue
  • Green vomit (like the colour of spinach or green washing up liquid)

Please get help now if you are frightened because your baby looks very unwell.

You need help now

Go to the nearest Hospital Emergency Department
or phone 999



If your baby has any of the following:

  • Difficulty breathing, including: breathing fast all the time;
    widening their nostrils or pulling in below the ribs when breathing
  • Not interested in feeding and/or looks dehydrated (dry mouth, sunken eyes, no tears, or no wet nappies in the last 8 hours)
  • Is increasingly sleepy or irritable (crying continuously and won’t calm down)
  • Has yellow skin or whites of their eyes, which is quickly becoming worse
  • Blood in the poo
  • Very pale (white or grey) poo - keep a sample to show the doctor
  • Shivering
  • Keeps being sick

Please get advice if your baby is getting worse or you are worried.

contact your GP
and make an appointment for your baby to be seen that day
or call NHS 24 - dial 111.




If your baby DOESN’T have any signs from the RED or AMBER boxes, the following are normal:

  • Your baby is less than two weeks old (or three weeks old and breastfed)
    and looks slightly yellow, mainly on the face.
    (This may slowly increase over a day or two but will then start to go away).
  • Has four to six wet nappies a day
  • Has green, brown, orange, yellow or black poo.
    (The poo of breastfed babies is usually yellow and can often look ‘seedy’ – it’s a sign your baby is healthy)
  • Continues to feed well with breast or formula milk
  • Baby wakes up often and cries to be fed

Self care

If you are still concerned about your baby
speak to your Health Visitor, pharmacist
or NHS 24 - visit or dial 111


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 24/04/2023

Next review date: 24/04/2025

Approved By: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Reviewer name(s): Dr Morag Wilson; Dr Geetika Kumar.