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  5. Gynaecology guidelines
  6. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Protocol (513)
Announcements and latest updates

Right Decision Service newsletter: April 2024

Welcome to the Right Decision Service (RDS) newsletter for April 2024. 

Issues with RDS and Umbraco access

Tactuum has been working hard to address the issues experienced during the last week. They have identified a series of three mitigation measures and put the first of these in place on Friday 3rd May.  If this does not resolve the problems, the second mitigation will be actioned, and then the third if necessary.

Please keep a lookout for any slowing down of the system or getting locked out. Please email myself, and if you experience any problems, and also please raise an urgent support ticket via the Support Portal.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we achieve a full resolution.

Promotion and communication resources

A rotating carousel presenting some of the key RDS tools and capabilities, and an editable slideset, are now available in the Resources for RDS providers section of the Learning and Support toolkit.

Redesign and improvements to RDS

The redesign of RDS Search and Browse is still on-track for delivery by mid-June 2024. We then plan to have a 3-week user acceptance testing phase before release to live. All editors and toolkit owners on this mailing list will be invited to participate in the UAT.

The archiving and version control functionality is also progressing well and we will advise on timescales for user acceptance testing shortly.

Tactuum is also progressing with the deep linking to individual toolkits within the mobile RDS app. There are several unknowns around the time and effort required for this work, which will only become clear as the work progresses. So we need to be careful to protect budget for this purpose.

New feature requests

These have all been compiled and effort estimated. Once the redesign work is complete, these will be prioritised in line with the remaining budget. We expect this to take place around late June.


Many thanks to those of you completed the value and impact survey we distributed in February. Here are some key findings from the 65 responses we received.

Figure 1: Impact of RDS on direct delivery of care

Key figures

  • 93% say that RDS has improved evidence-informed practice (high impact 62%; some impact 31%)
  • 91% report that RDS has improved consistency in practice (high impact 65%, some impact 26%)
  • 85% say that RDS has improved patient safety (high impact 59%, some impact 26%)
  • Although shared decision-making tools are only a recent addition to RDS, and only represent a small proportion of the current toolset, 85% of respondents still said that RDS had delivered impact in this area (53% high impact, 32% some impact.) 92% anticipate that RDS will deliver impact on shared decision-making in future and 85% believe it will improve delivery of personalised care in future.

Figure 2 shows RDS impact to date on delivery of health and care services


Key figures

These data show how RDS is already contributing to NHS reform priorities and supporting delivery of more sustainable care.

Saving time and money

  • RDS clearly has a strong impact on saving practitioner time, with 90% of respondents reporting that this is the case. 65% say it has a high impact; 25% say it has some impact on time-saving.
  • It supports devolved decision-making across the multi-professional team (85% of respondents)
  • 76% of respondents confirm that it saves money compared, for example, to investing in commercial apps (54% high impact; 22% some impact.)
  • 72% believe it has impacted already on saving money and reducing waste in the way services are delivered – e.g. reducing costs of referral management, prescribing, admissions.

Quality assurance and governance

  • RDS leads are clear that RDS has improved local governance of guidelines, with 87% confirming that this is the case. (62% high impact; 25% some impact.)

Service innovation and workforce development

  • RDS is a major driver for service innovation and improvement (83% of respondents) and has impacted significantly on workforce knowledge and skills (92% of respondents – 66% high impact; 26% some impact).

New toolkits

A few examples of toolkits published to live in the last month:

Toolkits in development

Some of the toolkits the RDS team is currently working on:

  • SARCS (Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service)
  • Staffing method framework – Care Inspectorate.
  • SIGN 171 - Diabetes in pregnancy
  • SIGN 158 – British Guideline on Management of Asthma. Selected sections will be incorporated into the RDS, and complemented by a new chronic asthma pathway being developed by SIGN, British Thoracic Society and NICE.
  • Clinical pathways from NHS Fife and NHS Lanarkshire

Please contact if you would like to learn more about a toolkit. The RDS team will put you in touch with the relevant toolkit lead.

Quality audit of RDS toolkits

Thanks to all of you who have responded to the retrospective quality audit survey and to the follow up questions.  We still have some following up to do, and to work with owners of a further 23 toolkits to complete responses. An interim report is being presented to the HIS Quality and Performance Committee.

Implementation projects

Eight clinical services and two public library services are undertaking tests of change to implement the Being a partner in my care app. This app aims to support patients and the public to become active participants in Realistic Medicine. It has a strong focus on personalised, person-centred care and a library of shared decision aids, as well as simple explanations and videoclips to help the public to understand the aims of Realistic Medicine.  The tests of change will inform guidance and an implementation model around wider adoption and spread of the app.

With kind regards

Right Decision Service team

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Medical Termination of Pregnancy Protocol (513)


Please report any inaccuracies or issues with this guideline using our online form


Mifepristone Day

  • Ensure case-notes and appropriate documentation available.
  • Check consent form is signed
  • Check certificate A has 2 signatures.
  • Ensure confirmed intra-uterine pregnancy.
  • Complete paperwork in ICP/electronic record
  • Check the patient is sure of their decision.
  • Administer mifepristone 200mg PO in accordance with drug kardex. Patient may go home thereafter.
  • Advise patient to return to the place of administration if she vomits within 1 hour.
  • Ensure advice is given to the patient regarding pain and/or bleeding she may experience over the following 24-48 hours.
  • Ensure the patient has the ward telephone number.
  • Advise the patient to bring appropriate clothing for admission.

Misoprostol Day
48 hours following mifepristone.

  • Nurse enquires about pain/bleeding/passage of products of conception.
  • Check BP, pulse and temperature.
  • Explain the procedure to the patient.
  • Patient is NOT routinely required to fast.
  • Confirm contraceptive plan, and prescribe/administer as indicated.
  • Misoprostol 800 micrograms PV.
  • Diclofenac 100mg PR as prophylactic analgesia unless contraindicated. (If contra-indicated cocodamol 30/500 PO).
  • Patient to use bed pan throughout procedure to aid identification of POC.
  • If products ARE passed, follow the discharge procedure.

If no POC passed within 6 hours:

  • If POC are not passed within 4 hours administer 400 micrograms of misoprostol sublingually.
  • If no POC passed within one hour, perform speculum examination to ensure POC are not in cervix/vagina.

If POC are not identified following a second dose of misoprostol or during vaginal examination:

  • If pain and bleeding are satisfactory, the patient should be discharged home. The patient should be offered either follow-up scan by appointment at Sandyford after 7-14 days or a pregnancy test after 21 days. If the patient chooses the latter option, the pregnancy test kit should be supplied to the patient on discharge. If she chooses the scan option, then Sandyford contact details should be given so that she can make an appointment.
  • For patients who are <10 + 0 weeks gestation and pass what is thought to be incomplete POC – follow up is scan is NOT required. Advise the patient that bleeding is to be expected, however ensure ward contact details are given so that the patient can contact staff should they be concerned that their bleeding is heavier than anticipated.  

If excessive bleeding occurs before/after POC passed:

  • Perform speculum examination to evacuate clot and remove any POC identified.
  • If bleeding continues contact middle grade or consultant gynaecologist.
  • Fast patient.
  • Site venflon.
  • Check P/BP/T/O2 saturation every 15 minutes/high-flow facial O2 if bleeding continues.
  • Send FBC.
  • Cross-match and check clotting screen if signs of shock.
  • Give misoprostol 400 micrograms sublingually.
  • Give ergometrine 500 micrograms IM unless contra-indicated for the patient. This can be given at the same time as misoprostol, as it will be effective before the misoprostol has its maximum effect.
  • If bleeding persists or there are clinical signs of shock (tachycardia, hypotension), an urgent surgical evacuation should be arranged by medical staff.


  • Record the patient’s BP, pulse and temperature prior to discharge.
  • Contraception must be supplied or a contraceptive plan agreed.
  • Anti-D is NOT required for rhesus negative women.
  • All patients with a multiple pregnancy require a follow-up scan at Sandyford

Scan Post TOP

If scan shows RPOC < 3cm – advise patient to seek referral if increased PV bleeding, pain or offensive PV loss.

If scan shows RPOC > 3cm the patient should be offered surgical evacuation of uterus if clinically indicated i.e. excessive bleeding.

If the patient declines surgical evacuation she may be managed conservatively with anti-biotics (co-amoxiclav 375mg TID for 7 days). A further scan will be required after 7-10 days to ensure RPOC is decreasing in size.

If scan shows a continuing pregnancy the patient should be given the option of MTOP or STOP depending on their gestation.

Protocol for MTOP 10-18 weeks gestation

Mifepristone Day

  • Ensure case-notes and appropriate documentation available.
  • Check consent form is signed
  • Check certificate A has 2 signatures.
  • Ensure confirmed intra-uterine pregnancy.
  • Complete paperwork in the ICP/electronic record.
  • Check the patient is sure of their decision.
  • Administer mifepristone 200mg PO in accordance with drug kardex. Patient may go home thereafter.
  • Advise patient to return to the place of administration if they vomit within 1 hour.
  • Ensure advice is given to the patient regarding pain and/or bleeding they may experience over the following 24-48 hours.
  • Ensure the patient has the ward telephone number.
  • Advise the patient to bring appropriate clothing for admission.

Misoprostol Day
48 hours following mifepristone.

  • Nurse enquires about pain/bleeding/passage of products of conception.
  • Check BP, pulse and temperature.
  • Explain the procedure to the patient.
  • Patient is NOT routinely required to fast.
  • Confirm contraceptive plan, and prescribe/administer as indicated.
  • Administer Misoprostol 800 micrograms PV.
  • Diclofenac 100mg PR as prophylactic analgesia unless contraindicated. (If contra-indicated cocodamol 30/500 PO).
  • After 3 hours administer 400 micrograms of misoprostol sublingually and repeat at 3 hourly intervals until abortion occurs.
  • Analgesia and anti-emetics should be administered as required.
  • Patient to use bedpan throughout procedure to aid identification of POC.
  • Following the delivery of foetus either with or without the placenta, syntometrine (ergometrine 500 micrograms with oxytocin 5 units) 1ml IM should be administered.
  • If the placenta is not passed within the hour of syntometrine being administered, the patient should be examined vaginally and placenta retrieved if possible.
  • If the placenta is not retrieved, site venflon, fast patient, and arrange theatre. Check FBC/coagulation screen if heavy bleeding.
  • Whilst awaiting theatre, administer misoprostol 400 micrograms sublingually. This should be repeated after a further 3 hours if still awaiting theatre.
  • Heavy PV bleeding following passage of placenta requires medical review to assess need for surgical evacuation of uterus. See “management of excessive bleeding” in <10 + 0 week section of guideline above.

Failure to Abort After 24 hours of Misoprostol 10 - 13 + 0 weeks

Surgical evacuation should be offered to patient.
If surgery declined/contraindicated follow guidance below.

Failure to Abort After 24 hours of Misoprostol > 13 + 0 weeks

  • Continue to give misoprostol 400 micrograms sublingually
  • 4 hourly BP/P/T. Commence NEWS chart.
  • PV assessment should be carried out by experienced medical staff 24 hours from commencing misoprostol.
  • If abortion has not occurred after 48 hours of misoprostol, further management must be discussed with a consultant gynaecologist.
  • Management will depend on the condition of the individual patient, pyrexia and gestation.
  • Ultrasound scan should be performed to exclude abdominal pregnancy/uterine rupture.
  • Consider day 3 of misoprostol if membranes intact.


  • Record the patient’s BP, pulse and temperature prior to discharge.
  • Contraception must be supplied or a contraceptive plan agreed.
  • Anti-D prophylaxis MUST be given to ALL rhesus negative women over 10 weeks.
  • All patients with a multiple pregnancy require a follow-up scan at Sandyford

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/12/2020

Next review date: 31/12/2025

Author(s): Nikki Harvey.

Version: 4 (Revised December 2020)

Approved By: Gynaecology Clinical Governance Group

Document Id: 513