How to care for the unwell patient with known adrenal insufficiency or on long term steroids

Patients at risk of adrenal crisis should be issued a STEROID EMERGENCY CARD  (link here and can be found at

My patient is taking long term steroids - are they at risk of adrenal suppression?

Patients prescribed steroids at >5mg/day prednisolone (or equivalent) for over 4 weeks are at risk of adrenal suppression and therefore may be at risk of adrenal crisis.


Steroid Equivalence Chart:


Dose Equivalent


5mg per day or more


4mg per day or more


15mg per day or more


500 microgram per day or more

Sick Day rule dosing for patients at risk of adrenal crisis


<10mg prednisolone (or equivalent)

10mg prednisolone or more (or equivalent)

Steroid (any dose) for known Adrenal Insufficiency

Fever, infection needing antibiotics, surgery under local anaesthetic


Increase dose to 10mg prednisolone (or equivalent) whilst unwell or on day of procedure

Continue usual glucocorticoid dose

Double usual glucocorticoid dose, or increase to minimum daily dose of hydrocortisone 30mg or equivalent (if double usual dose <30mg hydrocortisone or equivalent)

Persistent vomiting, preparation for colonoscopy, acute trauma, surgery under anaesthetic

100mg Hydrocortisone IM/IV at onset/presentation/start of procedure then 50mg hydrocortisone IV QDS. Patient should be admitted for ongoing parenteral hydrocortisone if required.

100mg Hydrocortisone IM/IV at onset/presentation/start of procedure then 50mg hydrocortisone IV QDS. Patient should be admitted for ongoing parenteral hydrocortisone if required.

100mg Hydrocortisone IM/IV at onset/presentation/start of procedure then 50mg hydrocortisone IV QDS. Patient should be admitted for ongoing parenteral hydrocortisone if required.

For perioperative and obstetric management please discuss with the anaesthetic team and consult national guidance 

Patients with confirmed adrenal insufficiency lasting >3 months should be seen in endocrine clinic for education about sick day rules and emergency hydrocortisone injection