Involvement of parents / carers

Parents and carers or others with parental responsibilities should be invited to the CPPM.  They need sufficient time and support before, during and after the meeting to understand shared information, including concerns and decisions. The chair should meet with the family prior to the commencement of the meeting.

The Chair should encourage the parent or carer to express their views, while bearing in mind that they may have negative feelings regarding practitioners’ intervention in their family.  The Chair should make certain that parents/carers are informed in advance about how information and discussion will be presented and managed. 

Parents/Carers may need to bring someone to support them when they attend the CPPM such as an advocacy worker.  They may also request to bring a friend/family member and this will be at the discretion of the Chair.  The support person is there solely to support the parent/carer and has no other role within the CPPM.

Exclusion of Parent/Carer

In exceptional circumstances, the Chair may determine that a parent or carer should not be invited to or be excluded from attending the CPMM (for example where bail conditions preclude contact or there are concerns that they present a significant risk to others attending, including the child or young person). 

The Chair should identify who will be responsible for informing parents/carers that they will not be attending the meeting and for seeking their views which should be shared at the meeting.  The reasons for such a decision must be clearly documented in the CPPM note of meeting (minute)

Involvement of children / young people

Consideration should be given to inviting children and young people to CPPM’s and consideration given to –

  • Ensuring that information is given to them in a way that helps them understand and take part
  • The emotional impact of attending a meeting must be considered as meetings can be disturbing or confusing for children who attend
  • The child protection/child safety plan must take into account the child’s perspective
  • A decision not to invite the child or young person should be verbally communicated to them, unless there are reasons not to do so. Children and young people attending should be prepared and supported beforehand so that they can participate in a meaningful way
  • Professionals should agree who is best placed to prepare the child for the meeting such as lead professional, advocacy worker, guidance teacher etc
  • Meetings should be as child and family friendly as possible and arrangements in place for a child to attend all or part of the meeting
  • If a child does not attend the meeting, their views are still necessary before and after the meeting, ensuring that for babies and infants their presentation and pattern of behaviours need to be considered
  • The child’s views are obtained, presented, considered and recorded during the meeting, regardless of whether or not they are present. The CPPM should consider whether a child should attend the Core Group
  • Reasons for agreeing that older children and young people should or should not attend the CPPM or Core Group meeting should be noted, along with the details of the factors that lead to the decision. This must be recorded in the CPPM note of meeting (Minute)

Responsibilities of professionals

The people attending the CPPM should be limited to those with a need to know, or those who are essential to an effective plan.  Participants attending are there to take an active part, represent their agency and share information to ensure that risks can be identified and addressed.  They have a responsibility to share relevant information, if proportionate to do so (Information sharing principles Part 1 National Guidance 1.128). Participants need to understand the purpose and functions of the CPPM, and the relevance of their particular contribution.