Micro Organisms

Escherichia coli

Proteus spp

Klebsiella spp


7 days

If abnormality of urinary tract consider longer course of 10 to 14 days.


Important: Therapy

  • Samples should be taken prior to starting treatment.
  • Send blood for culture if pyrexial.


Urosepsis - First line

Important: Therapy

Gentamicin¥ IV (Hartford Regimen) as per guideline

Use preferred calculator on Hospital portals page [intranet access only] or calculator on app

NB: if reduced or unstable renal function give single dose only then review with Infectious Diseases or Microbiology

PLUS Amoxicillin 1g IV 8 hourly


Switch to oral option guided by microbiology sensitivities


¥If > 72 hours IV therapy required replace gentamicin with temocillin IV 2g 12 hourly.

Urosepsis - Penicillin Allergy

Important: Therapy

Ciprofloxacin 500mg oral (or 400mg IV) 12 hourly

Switch to alternative oral option if indicated by microbiology sensitivities.


Avoid ciprofloxacin in frail elderly patients where possible due to CDI risk. Check important safety information in BNF & give MHRA patient information leaflet to patient

Important: Notes

NB: Nitrofurantoin is not suitable for use in pyelonephritis