Micro Organisms

Strep.pyogenes, Staph.aureus.

First Line

Important: Therapy

Flucloxacillin IV for 7-14 days (oral route can be used for mild cellulitis)

(High dose flucloxacillin e.g. 50mg/kg will cover Strep. infections)

Switch to oral flucloxacillin at 48 hours if clinically appropriate



Second line: mild intolerance or mild skin reaction

Important: Therapy

Ceftriaxone IV for 7-14 days

Oral switch to Cefuroxime


Anaphylaxis (including severe skin reactions) to penicillin / cephalosporins or MRSA - (Penicillin allergy)

Important: Therapy

Vancomycin IV for severe infections for 7-14 days

Clarithromycin PO for non severe infections for 7-14 days 
